So from going from posting quite regularly to nothing for 3 years (and then forgetting to publish it!) TO leaving it another 18ish months here goes.
The car was previously stored at the in laws house where I could pop down, have a tinker in the machine mark tent/garage it was in and come home to the warm. The tent was very exposed to the wind due to location but held up very very well, with the help of lots of tape! One morning I got a call, it had finally given up, and in a big way, ripping right down the ridge. So it's early January 2019 and I need to find a way to transport the car circa 10 miles home to the garage but wanted to do so as cheaply as possible!
Step in the next door neighbour who has a farm and the next day the car is on the trailer being transported.
And she's home!
So now she lives in the garage, advantage being its much easier to pop out and mess about for a short while at my leisure. Dis-advantage is that is alot more cramped, and the car tends to be used as a shelf!